Canada's health system will embrace and advance the ideals of Justice Emmett Hall and the core principles of equity, fairness, justice and efficiency for all Canadians.


The Justice Emmett Hall Memorial Foundation supports and celebrates excellence among those leading, undertaking or communicating health services and policy research which advances the ideals of Justice Emmett Hall.


The Hall Foundation is committed to a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment where all Board Directors, Foundation members, award nominees, student applicants, and the public feel respected and valued regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation or identity, disability, education, or any other bias. The Hall Foundation is committed to being non-discriminatory and providing equal opportunities for advancement in all areas of our work. The Hall Foundation respects the value that diverse life experiences bring to our Board and Membership and we strive to listen and to value their views. The Hall Foundation is committed to modeling diversity, inclusion, and equity and maintaining fair and equal treatment for all.


The Hall Foundation was conceived in 1996 at a Vancouver meeting of the Canadian Health Economics and Research Association (CHERA) (predecessor organization to CAHSPR).  It was incorporated on May 5, 1997 under the  Non-profit Corporations Act of Saskatchewan and as of November 24, 1997, it became a registered charity with the number 88728 3463 RR00001.


From its beginning in 1997, the main purpose of the Foundation was to recognize and celebrate excellence in health economics and policy research through the creation of a Memorial Lecture, raising funds through donations to build up a capital sum large enough to finance the lectureship by means of the interest earned.  The Lecture has been given at the periodic CHERA/ACRES conferences, now annual CAHSPR conferences.  The Foundation covers the expenses of the Memorial Lecturer, and provides a honorarium of $5000. 

Under the dedicated leadership of the Past President Marion Jones, excellence at the student level has been encouraged through three student essay awards.  These include prizes of $1000, $1500 and $2000, respectively, for outstanding essays written by an undergraduate, a master’s, and a doctoral student.  Prizes are awarded based on excellence in Canadian health economics and health policy research, again informed by the health ideals articulated by the late Justice Hall – equity, fairness, justice, and efficiency.  In 2015, the awards were renamed to the Jack Boan Student Essay Awards sponsored by The Justice Emmett Hall Memorial Foundation. 


The Foundation is governed by a board of directors. Membership is defined as fully paid members of CAHSPR. Members are entitled to advance and vote on motions at the Foundation's annual general meeting which typically coincides with the CAHSPR conference.

2024/25 Board of Directors

Maria Mathews

Vice President
Owen Adams

Lindsay Hedden

Student Member
Rebecca Correia

Past President
Mark Dobrow

Directors at Large
Sophia Myles

John Sproule

Christian Rochefort

Amy Zarzeczny

Maggie Keresteci (ex officio, CAHSPR representative)

Charlotte Wedge (ex officio, Hall Family representative)